General program operations appropriation reduced [Sec. 9256 (2), (3)] -
Act 109
Positions funded from PR generated from increased enrollment and from courses fully funded by fees or tuition: Regents' authority to create or abolish [Sec. 240m]
Act 16
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created [Sec. 1349u, 1380g, 2606m, 3061r, t, 9336 (2w), 9436 (2w)] -
Act 16
Sex offenders attending or working at U.W.: notice requirements [Sec. 1351zd, 3352p, w, 9311 (7c)] [vetoed]
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures; submission of requests to JCF for reallocating appropriations reductions [Sec. 9159 (1)] [partial veto]
Act 16
Transfer credit reports from U.W. and TCS required [Sec. 9156 (2mp)] -
Act 16
Tuition increases: Regents' authority restricted [Sec. 9156 (1)]
Act 109
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Sec. 9156 (3s)] [vetoed]
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Sec. 9156 (5m)] -
Act 109
U.W. system senior executive positions: changes in methods of determining salary ranges and adjustments [Sec. 989m, 1349e-r, 3061m] -
Act 16
Forestry funding for DNR re seedling surcharge, education curriculum, and sustainable forestry [Sec. 424m, 585g, h, 1149m, 1153q] [1149m — partial veto]
Act 16
Watershed management center at U.W. Stevens Point [Sec. 1066d, 1358m] [vetoed] -
Wildlife biologist at U.W. Stevens Point: duties re bear hunting research and data collection [Sec. 1351zf] [vetoed]
Tuition awards program at U.W. Parkside and U.W. Superior: sunset eliminated [Sec. 1361] -
Act 16
College savings account contributions and tuition expenses programs: income tax deduction for [Sec. 170L-Le, 9344 (5f)] -
Act 109
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: repayment of start-up; administrative funding [Sec. 124m, 126m] -
Act 16
Fee recovery for more than 165 credits [Sec. 93r, s, 9101 (8w), 9256 (2x)] [9256 (2x) — partial veto; 93r, s, 9101 (8w) — vetoed] -
Act 109
Nonresident tuition increased [Sec. 9156 (3pn)] [partial veto] -
Act 16
Positions funded from PR generated from increased enrollment and from courses fully funded by fees or tuition: Regents' authority to create or abolish [Sec. 240m]
Act 16
Resident tuition eligibility for certain aliens [Sec. 1360m] [vetoed] -
Tuition and financial aid tied re appropriation [Sec. 30hL, 33hm, 93v, 99r, 9424 (1d)] -
Act 109
Tuition awards program at U.W. Parkside and U.W. Superior: sunset eliminated [Sec. 1361] -
Act 16
Tuition grant program to pay cost of 2 years of postsecondary education: DOA to study [Sec. 9101 (21g)] [vetoed]
Tuition increases: Regents' authority restricted [Sec. 9156 (1)]
Act 109
Veterans benefits for armed forces in Operation Enduring Freedom; professional or occupational license renewal, salary paid to certain public employees, and withdrawal from college process provisions re national guard or armed forces member called into active duty -
Act 22
Wisconsin higher education grants for U.W. system and technical college students: appropriation increased [Sec. 9224 (1), (2)] -
Act 109
Extension recycling education: funding restored [Sec. 9256 (4r), (4s)] -
Act 109
Grazing education grants for agricultural education, tribal gaming provision [Sec. 580t, 890n, 1356g] [vetoed]
Pest management for schools: program created; report required [Sec. 426p, 582k, 1357k, 2395t] [2395t — partial veto; 426p, 582k, 1357k — vetoed] -
Act 16
Public broadcasting services study [Sec. 9159 (2x)] -
Act 16
Volunteer income tax assistance program: DOR to work with IRS and U.W. Extension [Sec. 2205m, 9144 (2x)] [partial veto] -
Act 16
UWHCA bonding authority increased [Sec. 3096] -
Act 16
Bioterrorism response and preparedness: plan and funding; provisions re staffing, public health emergencies, vaccination, disposal of human remains, and reporting deaths of public health concern [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public safety"] -
Act 109
Immunization appropriation extended [Sec. 720] -
Act 16
Statewide immunization registry created; memorandum of understanding between DHFS and Marshfield Clinic; report required [Sec. 9123 (14k)] -
Act 16
Customized wheelchair for a resident of the Vernon Manor nursing home in Vernon county: DHFS to purchase [Sec. 9123 (13b)] -
Act 16
DNR regions: Crawford and Vernon counties required to be in western region, if DNR divides state into management regions [Sec. 1042i] [vetoed] -
Hillsboro camping and recreation area: stewardship funding for [Sec. 1039fm] [vetoed] -
Westby fire department: community development block grant for [Sec. 9110 (10d)] [vetoed] -
County veterans' service officer criteria; transportation grants; residency requirements [Sec. 100p-v, 1160p]
Act 109
Disabled veteran transportation services: grants to counties and determination of methods for statewide cost-effective services [Sec. 789, 1458, 1470m, p, 9157 (7e)]
Act 16
Federal benefits disputes training: grant to Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (Wisconsin chapter) [Sec. 792j, 1458m] [vetoed] -
Lender organization fee: DVA to pay for veteran with service-related disability [Sec. 794, 1478, 1481]
Act 16
POW-MIA Recognition Day designated the third Friday in September -
Act 100
Prisoners of war remembrance day designated April 9; Governor and school provisions -
Act 20
``Purple Heart Day" proclaimed August 7 of each year -
Act 99
Reemployment rights and benefits for armed forces or national guard members re active service under state law and certain federal law -
Act 26
Retraining grants: DVA permitted to pay to employer on behalf of the veteran [Sec. 1470] -
Act 16
USH 63 directional signs for the Clear Lake All Veterans' Memorial and Cemetery: DOT to erect [Sec. 9152 (6h)] [vetoed] -
Veteran regional coordinators, claims officers, and mobile claims officers: provisions revised; study provided [Sec. 1451m-r, 9157 (5mk)] [partial veto]
Act 16
Veterans benefits for armed forces in Operation Enduring Freedom; professional or occupational license renewal, salary paid to certain public employees, and withdrawal from college process provisions re national guard or armed forces member called into active duty -
Act 22
Veterans discussing armed forces experiences: school boards encouraged to invite to schools [Sec. 2635L]
Act 16
Veterans plates and regular registration plates for motorcycles [Sec. 3390yd, yw, 3406p, 3407b-d, 9452 (1q)] [3406p — partial veto; 3390yd, yw — vetoed]
Act 16
Wisconsin veterans retirement center commandant: one position in unclassified service created [Sec. 3057]
Act 16
High school diploma may be awarded to certain veterans posthumously -
Act 98
National guard tuition grant program: eligible schools clarified [Sec. 1024] -
Act 16
Nonresident tuition exception for military veterans [Sec. 1359m] -
Act 16
Residency requirement for benefits and loans decreased [Sec. 1443, 1452, 1462-1464, 1473, 9357 (2)]
Act 16
Tuition and fee reimbursement program revised; maximum reimbursement for part-time study grants increased [Sec. 1442, 1444, 1447, 1465-1468, 9357 (1), 9457 (2pp)]
Act 16
Veterans and war orphan training and education: authority to approve schools and courses transferred from EAB to DVA [Sec. 785, 788, 793, 798, 1120, 1441, 1448-1451, 1453, 1471, 1472, 9157 (3), 9257 (1)] -
Act 16
Wisconsin Veterans War Memorial/Milwaukee, Inc.: DVA grant for a veterans education center [Sec. 791, 792, 9157 (4), 9457 (1)] -
Act 16
Armitage, Inc., in city of Onalaska: grant to provide supportive living environment for veterans [Sec. 788s, sf, 9157 (6c)] [vetoed] -
Commandant for the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King: additional position provided [Sec. 783t, 1461x, xf, 1464g-L, 9157 (8n)] -
Act 16
Residency requirement for benefits and loans decreased [Sec. 1443, 1452, 1462-1464, 1473, 9357 (2)]
Act 16
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center funding [Sec. 783t, 9157 (8b)] -
Act 16
DVA self-amortizing mortgage loans: authorized public debt increased [Sec. 978] -
Act 16
Lender organization fee: DVA to pay for veteran with service-related disability [Sec. 794, 1478, 1481]
Act 16
Residency requirement for benefits and loans decreased [Sec. 1443, 1452, 1462-1464, 1473, 9357 (2)]
Act 16
Veteran home improvement loan use re accessibility for disabled person permitted [Sec. 1474] -
Act 16
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